Wednesday, December 31, 2014

my "one word"

about a year ago during our couple-day christmas holiday, i became obsessed with the "blogosphere"! everywhere i was reading i seemed to find women writing about their "one word". i soon discovered this "one word" concept is praying over and choosing a word for your year. i loved this idea. a word i could look to when i wasn't sure what the lord was doing. a word i could cling to as a promise. so i began to pray, and i feel like He gave me my "one word"...


He wanted me to live expectantly. He wanted me to look to Him for what was unfolding. He wanted me to believe with HOPE the promises He sets before me. and boy was it a year full of living open-handed and expectantly awaiting His goodness.

about half way through the year, i heard Him speak another word over my life. at this point i kinda felt my life was falling apart (no drama here, don't worry ;) ). but in the midst of my despair, He faithfully whispered another word:


so my "one word" turned into two words, but these two words have defined my year. as i shakily take steps of faith, i'm reminded i can live expectantly...and then as i stride forward, He has showered abundance. although two words, i've found they're kind of linked together. as i live with an expectant heart, He shows me His abundance in the most unexpected places!

expectant & abundance.

words spoken over me with purpose. words that point me to Him. words that take me out of myself. words of HOPE. words that transform my perspective. words that portray faithfulness. words that beckon onward. words that draw me deeper. words that lead to intimacy. words from Him, for me. this two-word pattern has manifested itself in countless ways over the past year, but here are just a few:

  • being uprooted from my asian "home"...for His plans are far better
  • finding my new asian "home" has richer abundance than i could've ever asked or imagine
  • the gift of specific relationships this year
  • seeing new LIFE come in a place of darkness
  • the depths of knowing God's heart
  • beginning to see purposes of suffering
  • discovering glorious certainties
as i walk into 2015, i've asked Jesus for a new word. i believe i hear Him speaking the word ENTRUST over this new year. i am praying that i will indeed entrust myself more fully to Him: surrendering all my unknowns to His perfect hand. who knows, He might add another word somewhere along the way, but for now my prayer is to ENTRUST!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

faithful whispers.

in the midst of a place where there are no external reminders that Christmas is 4 days away, He is faithfully whispering reminders of what advent is all about: he has come and he will come. this phrase has been the mantra whispered to me each day of december. his soft voice beckons, and his words draw me close. the savior born in filth; the savior that brings life; the savior born that man no more may die. indeed, he has come. yet, many days the darkness seems obtrusive; the number of unbelievers overwhelming; the messiness of life unbearable. he reminds me: he will come. in a place that seems to have forgotten Christmas, i have the JOY of knowing this SECRET: he has come and he will come. more than ever before my heart feels so steadied in the true purpose of Christmas. as life marches by like just another day this thursday, i have untold anticipation of the redemption story that changes everything! i’m thankful for a month that has brought me to a place of adoration.

i can worship the King who left His throne for us alongside local brothers and sisters, he has come.

when i pass countless faces and wonder if they will ever know Him, he reminds me: he will come.

as i sit down with girls and see their faces come alive to His truth, i hear the whispers: he has come.

as i mourn over another christmas spent away and long for a forever “home", i know: he will come.

as we bake cookies and cakes and try to bring the holidays to east asia, we celebrate: he has come.

when i explain the origin of exchanging gifts and how we have already been given the greatest gift, he whispers: he will come.

as you celebrate the holidays, i pray for sweet reminders each day: HE HAS COME AND HE WILL COME!