I am a creature of habit. I love routine. I love knowing what to expect. God is doing big things as He is breaking down these strongholds in my life. He is teaching me to rely on Him. He is teaching me schedule doesn’t matter; that life happens and as long as I’m in communication with Him, it doesn’t really matter how. He is teaching me that although I’m used to things being done a certain way, that way may not be best. He is showing me that different does not mean worse and in fact, different is often good. He is showing me how BIG He is and how small I am. He is God and I am not, and for that I’m so thankful!
Living in Uganda is such an adventure. I have been teaching in schools, loving on orphaned children, and just dwelling in the moment God has for me more than ever. I’m beyond happy to be here and thank the Lord for His precious provision in bringing me here! However, life here isn’t exactly easy for me. I love what I am familiar with and here, that is nothing. The food is different, the customs are different, the transport is different, the expectations are different. Yet God is the same, and in that I rest. His commands are the same. His expectations are the same. He is the same here in Africa as He is in America, praise Jesus! Most importantly, He is enough!
A glimpse into my typical day:
I am living at Ekisa, which is an orphanage for special needs children. Although I’ve spent countless hours in schools and around all sorts of kiddos, never before have I come face-to-face with so many children with such needs. It repeatedly breaks my heart and then encourages me…who am I that I do not have to deal with the challenges these kids face? Who am I that God has placed me here to get to love on them, hold them, and tell them that both Jesus and I love them! Culturally, disabilities are shunned because they simply don’t know how to handle them here. Ekisa opens it’s doors to these kids and shows them love, often for the first time, and is working to unite them with forever families. What a privilege to get to love on, serve, and see Jesus in the face of each of these children. I already want to take a couple home with me…Crayola get ready?!
Immersion into Ugandan schools has been quite the experience. Schedule is a loose term and learning is limited to rote memorization. However, they are so welcoming and absolutely love having a “mzungu” (aka white person) not only there but teaching! The questions the students ask are hilarious and often ridiculous. The concept of coming so far just to experience their education system is foreign to them. Yet both the students and teachers embrace me with open arms to partake however I desire! It’s a new adventure each day. I’m seeing both excellent teachers who truly care about their students and teachers who see their job as merely that rather than a calling. Each day I’m learning how to one day be a better teacher myself. I have loved experiencing something that will soon be my everyday life in a foreign context.
The community God has placed here in Jinja is incredible! What a blessing to get to experience all of this with my precious sister Sarah! It has been a blast this week to get to see what her life here is like and see the phenomenal people the Lord has surrounded her with that now are embracing me for my stint of time here. God is at work in a mighty way here; I’m blessed to glimpse this at least for a short while!
One of my favorite parts about Jinja is the mode of transport: boda-boda’s! These are little motorcycles that everyone uses to get around. I rode a motorcycle for the first time a couple weeks before I left home and was kinda terrified. Now I hop on with a stranger driving me multiple times a day. Every time is a new adventure but such a fun way to travel. If you ever come, get ready to be familiar with these! I’ve even made my very own Boda driver friend named Elidard who I call up anytime I need to leave the house and he delivers me to the schools or to town or anywhere in-between!
As I write this post I am anxiously anticipating the arrival of my parents. I cannot believe we are about to have an African Family Adventure. Watch out world, it really might be ridiculous! I know God has huge plans in store for our time here together and I am praying for how He would affect their hearts. Mommy and Daddy Crane have never been to a third world country…I’m excited to see their hearts broken for this incredible land just as God has broken both Sarah’s and mine. Let the adventure begin…