three years ago i went on a trip that i think will forever help mold my journey. i was blessed to travel to nairobi, kenya and serve in a variety of ways. from playing with children who had never experienced love to building a place of worship for a community that had never enjoyed a place to gather together to praise our awesome God, africa impacted me and forever stole a piece of my heart. at times my heart is overwhelmed by my time there, other times I become numb to the pain and poverty i experienced. the question i continue to ask myself: what is my role? what is my response?
these questions were especially stirring in my heart today because of a dear friend of mine, laurin sanders, who travelled to nairobi this summer with mocha club. her experience parallels mine so closely, it blew my mind a bit. she visited most of the same places, met some of the same people, and felt very similar emotions all along the way. she kept a blog while there that perfectly recounts each day and just hit home in my heart: the highlights, the horrors, and everything in between. it’s a great read:
in her blog she speaks of the dire circumstances but amongst this the undeniable joy of the people. kenyans have more joy than anyone i’ve ever met. despite the fact that they don’t know if or where their next meal will come from or if they will even live to see tomorrow, they thank God for his faithfulness and praise Him with all they have. this is exactly why I returned to the states excited to make a difference. my team was comprised of my very best friends from high school. with passionate hearts we returned, ready to make a difference. it brought tears to my eyes as i read of laurin’s experiences at the Emmanuel School, a product of our passion. our high school came together to raise money for these precious children of kibera, and here it is making a difference and impacting not only these kids, but other americans who will respond in their own way. God is so faithful and certainly works all together for good!
habbakuk 1:5 says, “look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. for I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.” i believe that God is doing huge things in this land that has captured my heart, and i am waiting expectantly to see as more and more of those play out. i am honored that God allowed me to experience the joy and the lessons of Kenya. i long to go back!
as i gear up for another year at auburn, i’m elated. God so perfectly prepares my heart for exactly where I’ll be. With this renewed passion and vision for this incredible nation, i am excited to continue raising awareness through mocha club. just today i thought about the countless conversations I will be having during the week of rush. instead of letting these be wasted opportunities, i can use these stories to help promote something of eternal value. I continue to pray that the Lord will use me and stir me to His callings. that my selfishness would not get in the way of an opportunity for furthering His kingdom. that instead of establishing my own plans i be obedient to His. that my heart “be amped for the Lord” no matter where i am (as our kanakuk theme song declared). that my heart be burdened for these people who taught me so much. that my life and time in franklin or auburn or wherever i find myself, would be helping promote significant change in kenya :)